How to Make Birth Announcements
After your baby is born, it’s time to tell the world. The easiest way to share the good news is with a birth announcement. A birth announcement that is made on a computer has the advantage of being able to be sent online or printed. Once printed, it can be mailed off to friends and loved ones, or handed out in person. You can save money by creating your own announcements, and they take less than an hour to create. You could also use a more personalized way to announce a baby’s birth, when you can present the announcement in person.
Step 1
Write out the baby’s essential information on a piece of paper, or on your computer. All birth announcements should include the baby’s full name, including the middle name and the last name. Also include the time and date of birth, indicating if the birth was in the morning or during the day. Add the birth weight and length of the baby as recorded by the hospital. Add the name of the parents and the siblings to the announcement.
Step 2
Create a photo birth announcement using one of the first photos taken of your newborn. The photo might come from your own digital camera, or from the hospital. Make copies of the photo and write the baby’s information on the photo. This is the quickest way to make your own birth announcements.
Step 3
Design a more formal birth announcement on the computer. Use a basic word processing or paint program on your computer. Create a simple background with one solid but light block of color. Add a text box with the vital information. Print out and mail the announcement. Make it a cute announcement by adding in simple graphics including animal silhouettes or foot prints.
Step 4
Save the more formal birth announcement to send digitally to friends. Check the size of the file by emailing it yourself or your spouse first. If you created a folded announcement for printing, move all of the information to one part of the card, to make a postcard style announcement for email. Post it on your website or on a social network profile to spread the news to online friends.
Step 5
Give a small token like the traditional cigar or go modern with a chocolate cigar and attach a small announcement to it. Start by cutting out tag shapes, similar to clothing tags, from a piece of paper. Write out the baby’s information on the tag. Use a hole punch to make a hole in the top of the tag. Tie a pink or blue ribbon onto the tag and attach to the cigar.
- Do not stress about the design or getting it perfect.