How to Take Care of Your Face
2 mins read

How to Take Care of Your Face

Taking care of your face isn’t just about looking good today. It is also important for your long-term looks and health.
No one wants to age prematurely, but without proper care the face can age long before it has to. Proper care can also protect you from developing skin cancer. With just a few extra minutes a day you can keep your face healthy and looking its best without any expensive cleansers or creams.

Step 1

Wash according to your skin type. If you have oily skin or acne, choose a facial cleanser that is labeled non-comedogenic or non-oily. If you have dry skin or sensitive skin choose a gentle, hypoallergenic creamy cleanser.

Step 2

Wash regularly. To keep oil and pimples at bay, wash your face when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night.

Step 3

Wash your face with your hands. Using puffs, washcloths or pads can remove layers of skin or irritate your face.

Step 4

Exfoliate once a week to remove excess dead-skin cells. Your skin has a layer of dead-skin cells and oils that protect it from damage and moisture loss. Exfoliating more than once a week can remove this layer and expose your skin to the elements.

Step 5

Moisturize your skin. Moisturizer helps heal dry skin and keeps normal skin from becoming dry. It also builds another barrier to protect your skin from the elements. Apply moisturizer after you wash your face and dab it dry. A little moisture on your skin when you apply the moisturizer will make it work better.

Step 6

Keep your skin well-hydrated by drinking eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day and limiting caffeinated beverages and salt. Well-hydrated skin stays plump, resisting wrinkles.

Step 7

Use makeup with SPF to avoid sun damage, and possibly cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends choosing makeup products with an SPF rating of 15 or higher.


  • Don’t pick at your face. This can transfer bacteria from your hands to your face, causing pimples and irritation.
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