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How to Tone Arms

We may joke about granny flab on our arms, but nobody really wants to have it. Fortunately, lean and toned arms are well within reach. Following a toning routine will get you looking svelte and sleek.

Step 1

Do tricep dips. Sit on the edge of a bench or firm chair, legs stretched straight out and palms on the edge of the chair. Slowly scoot your bottom forward until it is off the edge of the chair. Use your arms to lower yourself until you are almost sitting on the floor. Raise yourself back up to chair height. Repeat 10 times for one set; do two sets, twice a week.

Step 2

Do overhead tricep lifts. Use a pair of light weights (3 to 10 pounds each). With one weight in each hand, lift your arms up and over your head so you are holding the weights even with the back of your neck. Slowly lift the weights until your arms are almost fully extended over your head. Hold for five seconds; lower to starting position. Repeat 10 times for one set; do two sets, twice a week.

Step 3

Do bicep curls. Use a pair of light weights (3 to 10 pounds each). You can stand or sit. Hold one weight in each hand, with your arms down by your sides. Slowly curl your arms up until your hands are at shoulder height, elbows bent. Use a controlled motion to lower the weight back to the starting position. RealWomensFitness.com recommends using heavier weights and doing fewer repetitions, rather than using light weights and more reps.

Step 4

Do push-ups. Lie flat on your face on the floor, arms bent beside your shoulder with your palms on the floor. Cross your ankles and keep your knees on the floor; push your upper body slowly up with your arms, keeping an even line from your shoulders to your knees. Slowly lower yourself back down until your face is almost touching the floor. Do as many as you can for one set. Work your way up to 10 push-ups per set; do two sets, twice a week.

Step 5

Do upright rows. FitnessMagazine.com recommends this exercise for developing sexy, sculpted shoulders. Use a pair of light weights (3 to 10 pounds each). Stand up; hold one weight in each hand with arms extended down by your sides. Pull your hands straight up until you are holding the weights at chest-level, with your palms still facing down. Slowly lower back to starting position. Repeat 10 times for one set; do two sets, twice a week.

Step 6

Do “butterflies.” Use a pair of light weights (3 to 10 pounds each). Sit down on a bench or firm chair. Hold one weight in each hand in front of your chest, palms facing inward. Slowly open each arm outward, keeping arms at chest height. Hold at the extended position for a count of five, then return to starting position. Repeat 10 times for one set; do two sets, twice a week.

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