How Do You Get Pregnant With PCOS?
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How Do You Get Pregnant With PCOS?

A diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can mean many things, not the least of which is that you may have a difficult time conceiving. If you were diagnosed with PCOS as a teenager, you may have said that the ability to have children did not matter. Now that you are older, however, all your friends are starting their families, and you find that you want to have a child of your own.

Step 1

See your doctor to discuss your desire to conceive. When you get to the appointment, be open and honest about your lifestyle, diet, sex life and other aspects that he may ask about. Providing him with as much information as possible will help him provide the best advice and medical help in achieving your dream.

Step 2

Take steps to become as healthy as possible to increase your chance of becoming pregnant. Lose weight, and incorporate exercise into your daily routines. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet. Begin this regime several months before you wish to become pregnant to give your body time to become as well-balanced and healthy as possible.

Step 3

Track your ovulation cycles to know when you are fertile. You can purchase ovulation detection kits at the local drug store. Use the kit to determine the most fertile time in your cycle each month to attempt conception.

Step 4

See a fertility specialist. If you find you are not able to conceive using natural methods and timing, ask your physician to refer you to a fertility specialist. Follow her directions exactly, and maintain an upbeat positive attitude as you go through the process. She may prescribe medication that will boost your chances of conceiving. Those medications may cause mood swings as hormone levels rise and fall. Try to relax and pamper yourself during those mood swings.

Step 5

Relax and try not to become stressed about conceiving. The tenser you become, the more difficult it can be for you to become pregnant. Talk with your partner about your concerns, and then let them go.

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