1 min read

Foods That Speed Up Metabolism and Weight Loss

No one wants to spend hours at the gym each day sucking down tasteless protein shakes in order to lose weight. Save yourself some time, energy and money by incorporating metabolism-boosting foods into your diet.


Grapefruit is both rich in vitamin C and low in fat. The high-fiber content of grapefruit means your body uses more energy digesting, and the chemical properties of grapefruit lower insulin levels so your body doesn’t store as many calories as fat.

Low-Fat Yogurt

Low-fat yogurt packs a healthy dose of calcium along with pro-biotic cultures to aid in digestion. The protein in yogurt keeps your appetite at bay for longer than carbohydrate-rich foods and promotes healthy muscle growth.


Broccoli tag teams your weight loss with a combination of calcium and vitamin C. Calcium helps trigger your metabolism while vitamin C aids your body in calcium absorption. Broccoli is also high in fiber and only costs you 20 calories per cup.


The high fiber content in beans keeps you full longer, and when you’re full you’re less likely to reach for that diet-busting snack. Beans are also low in fat and high in protein, making them a healthy muscle-building meal addition.

Hot Peppers

Capsaicin, the chemical that makes many pepper varieties hot, acts as a thermogenic, raising the internal temperature in your body. After eating a hot pepper, your body burns extra calories to regulate your internal body temperature. Hot peppers are a low fat and low calorie way to add some spice to your favorite healthy meals.

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