Pregnancy at 9 Weeks
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Pregnancy at 9 Weeks

At week 9, your journey is just beginning. No one can tell by looking at you that you’re pregnant, your regular clothes may still fit, and the full realization that you are indeed carrying a new life may not have sunk in yet. Outwardly, it doesn’t look like anything is going on. Inside, however, you feel like a mess. Take comfort in knowing that your body is already doing amazing things.

The Baby

At week 9, your baby is just a peanut … literally. He weighs less than 1 oz. and is about 1 inch long. His arms, legs, torso and unusually large head are all in place. His tail is gone, and his organs are self-functioning now, according to Women’s Health Care Topics. While his facial features are becoming pronounced, his eyelids will fuse shut now until week 27. His heart has divided into four chambers, with valves beginning to form. And while the sex organs are in place, you can’t distinguish at this point whether it’s a boy or girl.

Psycho Woman

You may be wondering: “When the heck did I book this never-ending ticket on the emotional roller coaster?” One minute you’re laughing and having fun; the next you’re crying at a TV commercial. What gives? Your sanity, it seems. But these mood swings are normal and the result of your surging hormones. Remember, the more you stress about these mood swings, the more frequent they may be. Take this opportunity to tell people what you really think, and then blame it on your hormones.

Your Body

Your body is working overtime to nourish and grow this new life, so you’re going to be exhausted. Creating a placenta takes a real toll on your body, states the What to Expect website. Combine that with your rising metabolism and hormones and lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, and you’re ready for naps four times a day. Around week 9, your jeans and bra will be fitting a little tighter, as your middle thickens and your breasts swell. You may also experience fluctuating weight gain, which can be caused by water retention. Speaking of water, you’ll still be peeing a lot. And if you’re a victim of morning sickness, it will be coming out of that end, too. Your uterus is continuing to grow; at this point it’s as big as a cantaloupe, according to Women’s Health Care Topics.

Bodily Emissions

If you are demure by nature, you may be in for a shock. Around week 9, your body can’t help but burp and … well, you know … The gassiness and bloating that can arise now can cause this unpleasant side effect, according to the Women’s Health Care Topics website.

Of Note

At week 9, you should start thinking about your dental health. Infections in your mouth can spread to other parts of your body and lead to a heightened risk for pre-term birth, according to Women’s Health Care Topics. Regular brushing, flossing and dental visits can lower that risk, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Some women tell everyone at work their news right away. Others, worried about miscarriage, wait until the second trimester. If you’re in neither camp, around week 9, you’ll start wondering when to tell. Issues that may require you to tell your boss include if you are sick a lot, if you have frequent doctor’s visits or if you have a dangerous or strenuous job, suggests the Baby Center website.

Photo Credit

  • pregnant girl on meadow image by Pavel Losevsky from
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