Conception Tips & Early Pregnancy
Trying to conceive a baby can become a stressful, emotional roller coaster of failed attempts. The desire to parent a child can also become overwhelming, which further exacerbates your inability to conceive. Though conception, for the most part, comes naturally with time, you can do certain things that will encourage success.
Determine Ovulation Schedule
Knowing when you ovulate can help you target the best days for sex. Spend a month determining when you ovulate. According to the Mayo Clinic, this can be done by marking the first day of your period on a calender and counting how many days it lasts. If you find you have a 28-day cycle, you should count on being most fertile at about 14 days since the first day of your last period. In addition, if your cycles last 29 to 31 days each, count 18 days from the first day of your last period and that will be when you are most likely ovulating.
You can also purchase an ovulation kit from your local drug store. They work by basal temperature readings. During the few days leading to ovulation, your basal temperature will be elevated slightly. When you chart your temperature elevations, you can target the following few days to have sex, as you are most likely ovulating at that time.
Have Plenty of Sex
Having a lot of sex increases your chances of conception. Have sex a minimum of two to three times each week. The Mayo Clinic reports that having sex several times a week on a consistent basis will greatly enhance your ability to conceive. If you are tracking your ovulation cycle, be sure to have sex at least once a day on the few days before you ovulate.
Live Well
Making healthy choices in your daily life will help your body maintain optimum conception shape. Eat fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein sources, such as skinless chicken. In addition, not smoking tobacco and getting plenty of rest and exercise will help your body operate at its optimum. This gives you the energy to have daily sex during ovulation periods, and it keeps your body healthy so that when you do conceive, you will be healthy.
Take Vitamins
Several vitamins, including folic acid, are important to the development of your baby, according to the Mayo Clinic. Taking vitamins will get your body ready for conception and gestation.
Watch for Pregnancy Signs
You can watch for several pregnancy signs to determine when your efforts are successful. Before you even feel the tender breasts, morning sickness and expanding tummy, you may notice some light cramping. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this is caused by the fertilized egg implanting itself into the side of your uterus. In addition, as it begins to grow and develop, you may also experience light cramping.
Photo Credit
- pregnant woman image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from