Pregnancy Implantation Symptoms
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Pregnancy Implantation Symptoms

Wondering if you are pregnant can consume your thoughts. You find yourself looking for any small body change that might indicate a baby is on the way. While waiting to take that pregnancy test, several specific symptoms you can watch for will let you know that a fertilized egg has implanted itself in your uterus.

Implantation Bleeding

Most women experience implantation bleeding, according to the Mayo Clinic. The bleeding may not be noticed. If it is, however, it will be dark brown or black spots instead of red, fresh blood. The bleeding will occur approximately a week to 10 days before your normal period would occur. The closer to your regularly scheduled period that the bleeding occurs, the less likely that it is caused by implantation.


Cramping, similar to menstrual cramps, can occur shortly after implantation. The cramping will be felt along the lower abdomen and is sometimes accompanied by implantation bleeding. Though the cramping is similar to menstrual cramps, if they become severe or the accompanying bleeding is bright red, it is mostly likely not caused by implantation.

That Feeling

Many women get an intuitive feeling that they have conceived, according to the Women’s Health site. You may find that you are suddenly more cautious about risky physical activities, such as gymnastics. You may have a nagging voice in the back of your mind suggesting that you choose water over wine. You can’t explain how you know–you just know–and the pregnancy test serves as confirmation.

Missed Period

While a few women have a light normally scheduled period in the first month of pregnancy, the majority of women who conceive, skip their periods for the duration of their pregnancy. If you do have a period in the early weeks of pregnancy, it will typically be noticeably lighter or shorter than your usual cycle lasts. Once the implantation occurs, the periods stop.

Body Changes

Following implantation, your body will immediately begin to under go changes, according to the Mayo Clinic. Your body will begin to increase its blood volume to accommodate a growing fetus. This will cause your blood pressure to drop, and you may find that you become dizzy upon standing or going up a set of stairs. You can reduce this symptom’s occurrence by rising slowly from a sitting position and going up stairs more slowly.

Photo Credit

  • pregnant woman image by Valentin Mosichev from
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