Does Your Sex Drive Change in Early Pregnancy?
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Does Your Sex Drive Change in Early Pregnancy?

Sex can be mysterious enough as it is, but throw pregnancy into the mix, and that could really throw you for a loop. Couples often worry if sex is even safe while the woman is pregnant. Without a doubt, racing thoughts combined with raging hormones can change your sex drive in early pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes

Unless your health care provider has advised you not to have sex during your pregnancy, it is safe to do so, even up until the end, according to the March of Dimes. Hormonal changes may make you want to have sex more, or they make it more uncomfortable for you. For example, you will have an increase of blood flow to your pelvic area, which can cause engorgement in the genitals. This can lead to lead to more pleasure during sex. Some women do not experience this engorgement as pleasurable; they find it uncomfortable instead. Some women may also feel cramping during or right after intercourse. Your breasts may be more sensitive in early pregnancy. Some women like this; others don’t.

Morning Sickness and Moodiness

The first trimester is tricky. Your moods can change daily. Morning sickness is not always limited to the morning, and nausea is not exactly a turn-on. Neither is exhaustion or moodiness, both of which are common in early pregnancy. Reassure your partner that you still love him during this time. Explain why you may not be in the mood. This rough patch usually goes away by the second trimester, so that will give you something to look forward to.

Men’s Apprehension

A man may not feel much in the mood for sex during the first trimester, either. Many men are now worried about finances or are beginning to feel the pressure of being a parent and the new role that entails. Men also worry that they may somehow hurt the baby by having intercourse. You can suggest that your partner go with you to your next prenatal visit to discuss this with your doctor for some reassurance. A man may also have a decreased interest in sex because he now views you as a mother, which is not usually associated with sexy feelings.

Men’s Desire

In a woman’s early pregnancy, the man may want to have sex even more often than ever before, because the pregnancy confirms their masculinity, according to the Baby Center website. Men don’t fear being sterile anymore, a common fear among many men. Early pregnancy is also a time when many men also feel closer to their partner and want to express this closeness.


During early pregnancy, you may want to have sex more than ever before. You don’t have to worry about birth control, for one. And, your more curvy body may make you feel more erotic. Or, you may not feel like having much sex at all. The important issue is for both of you to discuss your feelings, because more likely than not, there will be some changes. Support each other, experiment with new positions that you will need later on in the pregnancy, and just be there for one another.

Photo Credit

  • young expecting couple image by Leticia Wilson from
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