Skin Care for Wrinkles
Wrinkles are usually associated with the aging process and can’t always be avoided, according to MedlinePlus and the Mayo Clinic. Taking good care of your skin each day with washing and moisturizing and living a generally healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce your chance of having deep wrinkles as you age. Keep in mind that dry skin is at more risk of unwanted wrinkling, so be sure to pay special attention to such areas if dry skin is a recurrent problem in your life.
As women and men alike go through the aging process, their skin changes as well, according to MedlinePlus. The skin usually loses its fat and becomes thinner and more prone to wrinkling. Older women’s skin also usually takes longer to heal from blemishes or minor scrapes, which can adversely affect the complexion.
Risk Factors
Long-term sun exposure, especially without using a high SPF sunscreen before going outside, can accelerate the skin’s aging process and cause wrinkles significantly, according to MedlinePlus. Also, women who smoke are far more likely to experience adverse effects, including wrinkles and aging spots. The actual damage to the skin depends upon how long the woman smoked cigarettes and how often.
Most anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams are fraudulent, notes MedlinePlus and MSN Health. The only prescription treatment approved to treat wrinkling in Americans is Retin-A. But like almost any other medical treatment, Retin-A carries a risk of side effects and may not be the answer for every woman concerned about wrinkles.
Some women might want to consider cosmetic surgery to diminish the appearance of wrinkles, notes the Mayo Clinic. Laser treatments and injections of collagen can smooth out fine lines. Most cosmetic surgeries carry at least some risks and may not always work as the patient hoped. Also, some women who had laser treatments to fight skin wrinkling suffer from redness in the treated area for as long as four months after therapy, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Laser treatments can also cause abrasions and scarring.
Botox injections are a popular tool to combat wrinkles, but it isn’t necessarily safe, according to the FDA. The injections are only legally approved to treat wrinkles between the eyebrows. Also, the same bacteria that causes the potentially fatal botulism food poisoning is found in Botox injections. Some women have contracted botulism after having Botox injections; others have developed allergic reactions and unwanted scarring.
Photo Credit
- morning woman face image by Julia Britvich from