What Are the Signs & Symptoms of an 8-Week Pregnancy?
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What Are the Signs & Symptoms of an 8-Week Pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, you want reassurance that the signs and symptoms you’re feeling are normal. Unfortunately, there’s a wide range of what constitutes “normal” in pregnancy. Still, you can expect particular signs when you are eight weeks pregnant. It’s around the eight-week mark that you’ll start to experience some of the negative symptoms of being pregnant.


Nausea, or morning sickness, is a common complaint throughout pregnancy. It starts in the early weeks and should be well under way at eight weeks. You may even feel constantly upset to your stomach, not just at certain times of the day. Certain foods may set it off, and you may vomit. Try to keep a little bit of food in your stomach at all times.


At the eight-week mark, your uterus has grown to about the size of a grapefruit, previously being the size of a fist. This growth comes with cramping. Your lower abdomen may also be tender to the touch as a result of the growth, and tight clothes may irritate you.

Frequent Urination

Later in pregnancy, you’ll have to urinate more frequently as your baby presses down on your bladder. In the eighth week, however, the reason for increased urination is the increased blood flow that you have. More blood means that your kidneys must work harder to get rid of the waste. This is something that you’ll start to notice around the eighth week.

Larger Breasts

Once you become pregnant, your breasts start to grow as they prepare to make milk to feed your baby. This often results in breast tenderness. Though you likely felt the tenderness, you may not have noticed the growth until you reach the eighth week, when your bras may become too tight and you find that you’re spilling out.


Exhaustion comes from the increased blood flow, pregnancy hormones and interrupted sleep. It’s common for you to really start to notice this at the eighth week, though it will continue throughout your pregnancy.

Photo Credit

  • Female white pants with drawing image by Oleg from Fotolia.com
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