How to Tell Someone You Love to Lose Weight
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How to Tell Someone You Love to Lose Weight

When someone you love needs to lose weight, the topic deserves a sensitive approach. Gently guiding your loved one to lose weight can mean the difference between a long, healthy life or a life filled with weight-related health issues and possible early death. Finding the words to suggest weight loss is never easy, but there is a way to approach it that won’t break hearts or hurt feelings.

Step 1

Ask the person to set aside some time to sit down and talk with you about his health as well as your health. Gather together some data about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and what the risks of being overweight include. Sit down with him and tell him that you love him and you think it’s time for both of you to pay better attention to your health and weight.

Step 2

Assure her that you are going to support her efforts. Knowing she is not alone and that she has you to talk to can help her maintain her weight loss plan. Talk to her about health concerns and ask her if she feels ready to take on a weight-loss program.

Step 3

According to the WeightWatchers website, men tend to be less critical of their appearance than women are of theirs, which can lead to him not realizing the time has come to lose the weight. Approaching it from a health aspect–instead of from an angle that tells him how much easier it would be to buy clothing–may be easier for him to handle than you telling him he doesn’t look as great as he used to.

Step 4

Set a good example. If you give up the processed, high-fat foods and begin making exercise a priority in your life, your loved one may follow your lead. WeightWatchers reports that subtlety is the key to success here. If she feels as if her efforts are constantly being scrutinized, it may stress her out enough to give up. If, however, you are leading by example and not hovering around her efforts, she can relax and join in the process.

Step 5

Listen to his feelings, concerns and desires with regard to a weight-loss plan. If he wants to take a dance class to burn calories, cheerfully signing up with him demonstrates your support. If he is hurt by your weight-loss suggestion, instead of dismissing his feelings, ask him to share them with you. Assure him again that your concern is health-related because you love him and want him to live a very long life with you.

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