Natural Ways to Boost Fertility
Whether you have been trying for years or have just decided to start trying to conceive, boosting your chances naturally will help prepare both of your bodies for fertilization–and your body, in particular, for implantation. Before turning to drugs, you may want a natural alternative to raise your chances of getting that elusive line on the stick.
Eat Right
Make sure you and your partner are eating a healthy diet. Antioxidants, including vitamin C, not only keep your body healthy and ready for pregnancy, but they also boost the health of his sperm. You need energetic swimmers to reach your egg for fertilization. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, women who eat more protein and vegetables and fewer carbohydrates have a greater chance of conceiving a baby. Incorporate lean meats, soy proteins, beans and nuts into your diet. Replace carbohydrates with high fiber options, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The study also found a link between low levels of trans fats and conception. Avoid trans fats and hydrogenated oils when possible. Make sure you get plenty of nutrients, including iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin D, which are vital for your infant’s development. These will be critical to the earliest days of your child’s life and help him stay healthy and to grow.
Healthy Living
In addition to getting plenty of nutrients while you are trying to conceive, it’s equally important that you avoid certain elements that could inhibit your chances of pregnancy. The National Women’s Health Information Center cites alcohol consumption and tobacco use to be connected to infertility. As soon as you begin to consider pregnancy, break yourself of any dependency you may have on these substances. Continue to work out and maintain an active lifestyle. However, a stressful lifestyle may inhibit pregnancy. Avoid over exertion in your exercise routine. Relax through yoga or deep breathing exercises.
Cozy Environment
One of the most crucial factors to fertility is a comfortable, healthy environment for a fertilized egg to implant and to grow. Without that space, the egg will be unable to develop. Keep your reproductive system healthy by keeping your body healthy. Maintain a healthy weight, neither underweight nor overweight. Healthy eating and proper exercise will help you achieve this. Use safe practices to avoid any sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t introduce foreign substances, such as douching materials or unnatural lubricants, that can dry your reproductive system or kill any sperm trying to make an entrance.
Photo Credit
- yoga pose image by chinatiger from