Tough Love Parental Resources
Tough love is a parenting, or teaching, style in which the person in charge sets boundaries and enforces those boundaries in order to help children grow into responsible adults. When done correctly, it is not a demeaning method of parenting. Instead of focusing on discipline and punishment, it focuses on positive ways to enforce boundaries while encouraging children to better themselves.
Building Character
Building Character is a report compiled by the think tank Demos, a group of British researchers. The report features the findings of a study in which the researchers analyzed 9,000 households to determine whether parenting played a role in the development of character in children. According the report, tough love can increase a child’s ability to be empathetic, exhibit self-control and face difficulty with determination, reports the Telegraph, a British publication.
Love and Logic
“Teaching With Love and Logic” is a book by Jim Fay and David Funk. Although it is designed to help teachers find positive ways to communicate with students, the book is a good resource for parents who are trying to determine how to establish limits, or boundaries, while using a positive approach to parenting. The book stresses allowing children to have options even during discipline. The book is an in-depth source of information on tough love parenting.
Teacher Vision
Teacher Vision is a website dedicated to helping teachers manage their classrooms in order to help children become educated. Its articles walk readers through step-by-step processes for incorporating classroom management techniques, including a tough love approach. The process for tough love includes being open, finding positive attributes to focus on, showing respect and setting expectations, according to the site.
Psychology Today
Psychology Today is an online publication featuring articles on behavior and human health. It provides expert insight from qualified mental health professionals who research and study behavioral issues, such as the ones a child or teen may exhibit. The articles cover using tough love at work and at a home in order to reduce stress and anxiety. Psychology Today can give you practical tips, such as using constructive criticism, to apply tough love to any situation whether it is personal or professional.
Plain and Simple Parenting
Plain and Simple Parenting is a website dedicated to parenting. It defines what tough love parenting is, offers advice for implementing this parenting style and discusses alternative parenting styles. This resource can also prepare you for some of the issues you may encounter when you try to switch from another parenting style to a tough love method.
Photo Credit
- Future Tough Women image by Scott Griessel from