Losing Weight & Fertility
If you are trying to get pregnant, you will probably want to do everything possible on your own before seeking medical help. One area to help with fertility over which you can have some control is your weight, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Being underweight and overweight interferes with fertility.
Being Underweight
If you are losing weight to the point of becoming underweight, you may not be producing enough hormones to make and release eggs, or if you are producing eggs, the lining of your uterus may not be ready for a fertilized egg. Underweight men may have a decreased sperm count or under-functioning sperm. You and your partner should stop losing weight and even gain some if either of you are underweight and are having problems trying to conceive, recommends the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Being Overweight
Being overweight may affect your egg production. When you are overweight and have increased insulin levels, your body may overproduce male hormones in addition to stopping egg production. Losing weight should correct your hormone imbalance, allowing your ovaries to produce eggs again, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Too Much Estrogen
Fat cells produce estrogen, according to the Pregnancy website. When you are overweight, your body produces too much estrogen, causing your body to react the way it would if you were taking birth control pills. If you have too much estrogen, you will stop ovulating or the ovulation will be inadequate.
Polycystic ovary syndrome makes your hormones out of balance, making it difficult to get pregnant. One symptom of PCOS is weight gain and difficulty losing weight, according to WebMD. The first steps to manage PCOS are to get regular exercise, eat healthy foods and control your weight. Even just losing 10 lbs., if you have PCOS, can help get your hormones back in balance.
Where You Carry Weight
Where you carry extra weight has an impact on fertility, according to the Pregnancy website. Women who are apple-shaped, meaning they carry weight in their tummy, have more trouble conceiving than women who are pear-shaped, with their weight more in their hips and buttocks. Apple-shaped women may have to make more of an effort to keep the weight off than pear-shaped women do.
Photo Credit
- couple image by cherie from Fotolia.com