Foods for the Sex Drive
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Foods for the Sex Drive

The connection between food and libido stretches across generations of people and cultures. Named after the Greek goddess of beauty and sexual love, aphrodisiacs are foods that boost sexual desire. According to Psychology Today, certain foods can affect your ability to enjoy sex. While our ancestors may not have possessed the scientific reasons for eating certain foods to boost their libido, they may have been on the right track in identifying foods for their aphrodisiac properties. Many of these foods also contain healthy nutrients that may enhance your overall state of health.


These tasty nuts contain nutrients that may boost your passion, according to Frances Largeman-Roth, senior editor for CBS Health Magazine. With zinc, selenium and vitamin E, almonds play an important role in female sexual health and reproduction. The vitamin E in almonds helps produce estrogen and testosterone. Incorporate a few of these nuts into your daily diet by adding them to salads and cereals.


Largeman-Roth also recommends eating avocados to enhance your sex life. The monounsaturated fats in avocados help to keep your heart healthy and strong. A healthy heart can pump blood to your sexual organs, helping them perform correctly. In fact, some men with erectile dysfunction have an underlying heart condition that may contribute to their sexual difficulties.


Long praised for their aphrodisiac qualities, the ancient Romans wrote about these crustaceans, documenting their effect on women’s sexuality. Oysters contain plenty of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, products that help improve the function of your nervous system.


Papaya contains compounds that resemble the actions of estrogen, a female hormone. Long used as a folk remedy for milk production and promoting menstruation, this tropical fruit may increase a woman’s sexual desire. Try adding a little papaya to your fruit smoothies or eat straight from the refrigerator.


Soy contains isoflavones, which help your body provide lubrication to your vaginal area. Soy may also boost the libido in your mate by increasing the health of his prostate. Foods that contain soy include tofu and soymilk. Psychology Today warns that breast cancer survivors limit their intake of soy, due to concerns about its ability to cause a recurrence of this illness.

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