2 mins read

How to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast

Love handles are unsightly and are also nothing to joke about, according to the Mayo Clinic. Excessive abdominal fat in women can cause heart attacks and other serious problems, such as stroke. Unfortunately, no surefire way to remove those love handles permanently and quickly really exists. Women fighting this particular battle of the bulge must really pay attention to their diet and exercise routines to reduce unwanted belly fat and also to protect their overall health. Pregnant moms should not try to get rid of love handles until after delivery; losing weight during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects in growing babies.

Step 1

Exercise four to five times a week, preferably for 20 to 45 minutes at a time. Regular cardio exercise, like walking, running, swimming and bicycling, revs up your metabolism so you can lose more fat and those unwanted love handles. Ideally, you should perform 45-to-60 minute workouts.

Step 2

Perform calisthenics, like push-ups, squats and lunges, at least two to three times a week to get rid of love handles fast, advises the Military website.

Step 3

Drink at least 100 oz. of water a day to help flush that unsightly fat from your body.

Step 4

Eat healthy foods as much as possible. The Military website advises moms to limit their intake of fatty and processed foods. Instead, eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. Eating cheese is not a good idea at all if you want to get rid of love handles fast. Also, if you must eat red meat, like hamburgers or steaks on the grill, then choose only lean cuts of beef. Limit your intake of even lean beef to one or two times a week.

Step 5

Talk to your doctor if you cannot reduce those love handles despite your best efforts, advises the Mayo Clinic. Sometimes, undetected conditions, such as thyroid disorders or diabetes, can lead to excessive belly fat. Also, some medications cause weight gain.


  • Don’t stop taking any medication without speaking to your doctor, even if you know one of its risks is causing unwanted weight gain.
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