No-Excuse Exercise!
2 mins read

No-Excuse Exercise!

Most women that I know—me included—have packed days as it is, and it can be almost impossible to fit in time to exercise. I’ve created some fool-proof ways to fit exercise in throughout your day no matter what that will not cost you much time, but will have the same benefits!


Exercise during commercial breaks, while watching TV. For an hour-long program, that’s about 15 minutes of exercise. Get up off the couch, pick a different thing to do each time — kind of like circuit training: Push ups until the commercials are over, then sit-ups, then hand-weights.

Homework Squats

While playing with your children, holding your baby, you can perform simple, yet effective exercises such as squats, lunges and sit-ups. You will also be setting a good example as a parent. The baby’s great for some extra weight!

Cooking Calf-Raises

Didn’t think you could exercise and cook at the same time? Think again. Perform squats, glute-squeezes, or calf raises and see how many you can complete before your food is ready. If you’re baking something in the oven, you’ve got roughly 30 minutes to get your work out done.

Lunch Break Walk

Exercise during part of your lunch break. Spend about 15 – 30 min of your lunch break walking outside or up and down the stairs. Skip the elevator and force yourself to get moving! Even 15 minutes can make such a big difference.

Reading Plank

Exercise while you read. Hold the plank pose or a wall squat as you are reading — it’s great for the tummy muscles, the arms and the back.

Your Challenge

Overall, try to complete at least 10 minutes of physical activity each day. More times than not, you will push yourself for longer. And remember, breaking exercise up throughout your day is as effective as doing it all at once. Every little bit adds up and it is a great way to form an exercise habit. Try it, we promise you it will make a difference in how you look and feel.

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