Delivering Happiness
1 min read

Delivering Happiness

We can choose to be happy or not…but the choice is always ours.

I try to make a conscious choice to be happy more often than not because, well because it feels better. We have a local UPS driver who is always smiling, waving, beeping at everyone. He knows my kids names, my dog’s name- he walks through this little town like he’s the mayor. He must do very well during the holiday season because he’s like a family member to everyone!

He could choose to just run around, delivering and picking up packages in a constant hurry all the time, but no. This guy chooses to be happy every day that I’ve ever seen him. Today, my 13-year-old said “Mom, he must own UPS, cause he cares so much!” Hmmm. I’m sure he realizes that he’s representing UPS, but the truth is that most UPS drivers are not this friendly; they have bottom line numbers to meet. This guy is super busy too but he chooses to not only deliver packages, but deliver happiness. He is like a bouncing smile in this area. 

It’s amazing what a smile can do for others. You can’t help but feel happy when you see this UPS guy – seriously, he puts a smile on everyone he sees everyday.

Are you delivering happiness?

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