Your Child?s Blood Type: A Guide to Their Health
As parents we are always worried about our children?s health and well-being and a great part of this includes selecting the right foods that will help them grow into healthy adults. But how do we know what?s right for our children? After-all each child is a unique person with their own unique needs.
After more than 50 years of devoting my life to research on blood type diet and wellness, I know that eating and exercising based on our blood types restores our body to what nature meant it to be. I hope the following tips will help you hone in on your child?s eating and exercise needs based on their blood type–as well as select the foods and environments that would help keep them alert in school and healthy for a lifetime.
If your child is Type-O—they are apt to using their bodies. The key to creativity and academic achievement for them is heavy physical exercise. Before the start of the school day and intermittently throughout the day they should participate in vigorous physical activity with games that involve running–such as basketball. By being active, Type O?s become more alert. Before an exam–have them run and play right before taking an exam rather than making them sit quietly and study. Type Os are ?high octane? and learn best from teachers who are active and enthusiastic. Teaching methods that involve competition are most effective for them since they are highly competitive by nature. They would enjoy spelling bees. While they will tackle homework assignments with gusto for a time provide them a break so they can engage in physical activity. Otherwise they will become bored and tired. Turn their rooms into a playground where they can work and play. Use bright orange, yellows and reds to decorate their room in vibrant colours that resonate with their energy and support their learning.
Select foods that include large quantities of protein. At least twice a day they should consume proteins which is high-energy food. High energy is what makes Type O children tick.
If your child is Type-A Blood Type—they are the child of the mind, and their energy is that of the nervous system rather than the musculoskeletal system. Type A?s love to read and work quietly by themselves. They are good at games that rely on strategy rather than endurance, because their body?s energy tends to come through the nervous system.
They?re best suited to a serene environment, but if they aren?t provided with the type of surroundings that best suit them, they are likely to be hyperactive and can be mistaken for Type O?s. Because their nervous systems are so sensitive, excess stimulation around them creates a frenetic response in the delicate fabric of their bodies. Their nervous systems respond to every sound and movement. These may be the children who are always busy or who are chatterboxes or wigglers. Activity around them creates activity in their bodies.
So they can use their minds effectively, surround them by calmness and peace. They will bloom with teachers who encourage individual work. A short walk or a period of yoga or stretching exercises before the start of the school day would work wonders for Type A?s. They can concentrate for long periods of time if they are properly nurtured. Don?t expect them to thrive on a curriculum that emphasizes a variety of subjects over short periods. They perform best if they are assigned projects that allow them to use their intellect and creativity. Moreover, competitive games do not appeal to these blood types.
Use calming colours to decorate your Type A child?s room–blues and greens are best. Because they?re more mental than physical, their nutritional needs are unlikely to include large amounts of protein. Select lunches that are more vegetarian. As much as possible, eliminate dairy products from their diet and include light foods to allow their mind to function in a quick manner.
If your child is Type-B blood type–they are natural organizers. They?ll get a neighbourhood basketball game going with no adult assistance — love to talk and share with others and most of all group activities. Their orderly minds prefer an uncluttered environment. They would most probably be uncomfortable in a classroom where desks are arranged haphazardly. They will prefer a definite pattern –rows, circles, or semicircles.
Physically, Type B?s would benefit from stretching exercises before the start of the school day. Heavy physical exercise before afternoon classes are ideal–they are good at team sports. If they take up running, they?re most likely to do so with a friend. They like to discuss their homework with parents, an older sibling, or a friend. In the classroom, they benefit from group study and do best with teachers who are leaders and possess excellent communication skills. These teachers would need to be orderly, presenting the child with a well thought-out curriculum. The minds of Type B?s operate through relationships; thus, they would want a natural order of subjects throughout the day. History, for example, should follow geography rather than mathematics.
Because of their innate flexibility, Type B?s preferred colors would be the full spectrum. Whether their room is yellow, orange, blue, or green, they function well.
For perfect mind and body balance, provide a balanced lunch between high protein and lighter foods for your Type B child. Only one meal a day should contain protein.
If you are able to find your child to be of Type-AB blood they will have a delicate nervous system and be intellectual by nature. They?ll be creative, and active in social activities such as theatre or gymnastics.
To determine whether the A or the B is dominant in your child, examine them carefully. If they suffer from mucous conditions, have a great deal of nervous energy, and experience difficulty concentrating, then they probably lean toward the A type. On the other hand, if they enjoy spending time with friends, love organizing and mediating, and excel at strategizing in sports, then they probably lean toward the B type. Follow the recommendations for these individual blood types.
Type AB?s would benefit most from stretching or yoga, yet some may require heavy physical activity. Alert teachers will best nurture their creativity and intellect. Some Type AB students may prefer to work alone on projects while others prefer to work in groups.
The best dietary plan for your Type AB child is lighter foods with few animal proteins and a minimum of dairy products.
About Dr. D’Adamo: For more than half a century pioneering naturopath and originator of the Blood Type Diet, Dr. James L. D’Adamo has been treating patients with preventive diet menus, exercise, and vitamin regimen based on their blood type. Dr. D’Adamo?s insight on preventive foods has helped reverse such common ailments as cancer, obesity, arthritis, diabetes, ADHD and others. More than 50,000 patients worldwide follow D?Adamo Blood Type Diet – treated at the Portsmouth (NH) D’Adamo Institutes where natural, preventive, healthful solutions are offered to adults and children.
Dr. D?Adamo?s 2010 released groundbreaking book ”Just an Ounce of Prevention – is Worth a Pound of Cure" is aimed at helping our society turn the tide – with natural remedies/solutions – on illnesses plaguing our nation and ultimately lower the $100 billion annual healthcare cost debilitating our nation.