Math Homework Games
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Math Homework Games

Mastering the complex concepts of math proves challenging for many students. This subject can be made easier to grasp. Prepare homework games for him to complete as an enjoyable way to build his math skills and make the task of attacking this discipline a bit less intimidating. Instead of chaining your kid to his desk and asking him to toil and struggle through his math lessons, get him up and moving and fully engaged in the subject of math.

Odds and Evens Sort

Practice the task of distinguishing between odd and even numbers with your young math learner with an odds and evens sort game. To make this game, purchase an assortment of small balls. Using a permanent marker, write numbers on each ball. Include only small numbers, or make the game more challenging by mixing in larger digits. Borrow two bowls from your kitchen, and label them with index cards, marking one “Odds” and the other “Evens.” Give your kid the balls and ask him to place them in the appropriate bowl, indicating their odd or even status.

Refrigerator Math

Make after-school snack time educational by asking your kid to complete some refrigerator math. To engage your child in this activity, purchase some number magnets and place them on your refrigerator. Before your child arrives home from school, write out some at-her-level math problems on paper, and tape them to the refrigerator. When your child requests an after-school snack, turn her attention to the math problem on the refrigerator. Tell her that the fridge now has an imaginary combination lock and that the codes to this lock are the answers to the posted math problems. Ask her to solve each problem, indicating her answers with the magnetic numbers. Once she has placed all the numbers, make a show of trying to open the refrigerator. If some of the answers are wrong, act as if the door is locked and will not open. If the answers are right, open the door with ease. To make the opening of the fridge door even more exciting for her, have a snack plated and ready on the top shelf.

License Plate Math

If you are constantly on the go with your child, make this out-and-about time more math-rich by engaging him in a round of license plate math. To play this homework game, arm him with a small notebook and pencil before you hit the road. As you sit in traffic or follow behind a car on the highway, ask your child to jot down the license plate number and complete some math using the digits. If your child is early in his math learning, request that he add up the numbers in each license plate number that he finds. If he is well versed in a variety of math functions, change it up regularly. Sometimes, ask him to subtract, add or divide the digits. Tell him to deal with the letters mixed into the plate number either by ignoring them completely or, if he is capable, by converting them to digits, assigning each number a digit equivalent to its place in the alphabet and completing the math accordingly.

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