3 mins read

Jobless, but not Hopeless

On November 1st, like millions of other American’s, I became unemployed. When I woke up that Monday morning, I never thought that within a few hours I would become one of those statistics. I remember walking through the parking lot moments after it happened and having a conversation with God. It went something like this…”Please God, if you are there can you just help me keep my chin up and my shoulders back until I get to the car. And then could you please tell me what I am supposed to do from here? I know that you don’t give us more than we can carry, but I wish you would hear me….this load is getting a little heavy?” I thought about having a pity party, but then remembered it wouldn’t pay the bills, so I have no choice but to forge ahead and take the next step. I confess that I am scared. I feel like I am taking a step into the darkness and I have six little tote bags to carry. The question I struggle with the most is can there be any value in being terminated? Losing my job is not a reflection of my value as a person. Losing my job is not representative of my value as a mother. Losing my job is not an indication of my potential as a person, an employee or a businesswoman. Losing my job is not in any way a reflection of my character. Earlier this year I was signed by a global speakers agency (www.singlesourcespeakers.com) to travel and share my story. My kids think it is so funny that there is an official website that chronicles our journey, www.blythenewsome.com. They actually told me it made me a “cool” mom. I recently completed my first book and find myself poised to launch a public speaking career. None of this could have happened without going through the difficult, painful times of my life. In a strange way, maybe the pain is what qualifies me to share my story. I am an encourager. I am a lover of people who believes that anyone can succeed. I believe that everyone should be given a chance to pursue their God given purpose and dreams. Now I have to put this into action in my own life. It’s all about perspective, and from my point of view, I would hire me over and over again. Why? Because I am a fighter who refuses to quit. I refuse to shrink up and fold. I am determined to change my little corner of the world, one column, one speech, one TV interview, one radio program, one book and one life at a time. I may have lost my job, but I intend to use this time to allow myself to soar!

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