My Child Won’t Sit Still
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My Child Won’t Sit Still

Much to the chagrin of many moms, sitting still is often not possible for children. While nearly all children exhibit some periods of high-energy, bounce-off-the-wall behavior, some kids are even more energetic and pose a serious challenge to parents. To determine what you can do to help calm your child, you must both consider why he is so prone to movement and take steps to equip him with the tools to maintain control during these periods of high energy.


While high-energy is characteristic of many children, some kids are even more fidgety than the rest. If your child’s bursts of energy are rare, and he calms from them quickly, he is likely just experience the usual childhood energy bursts. If, on the other hand, your child seems constantly to need to be in motion or has trouble settling down at all times, it could be an indication of an underlying health problem, such as ADHD. As “Time” magazine reports, this energy-related behavioral disorder affects as many as 4 percent of all school-age children and is significantly more prevalent in boys than it is in girls.

Teach your Child to Focus

You can help your fidgety child overcome her energy-related issues by teaching her how to focus. Engage your child in activities that encourage focus, such as coloring or puzzle completion. Make the task of holding still a game by challenging your kid to sit with her hands on the counter or arms and legs held tight to the chair for set periods of time. As your child becomes used to these periods of non-movement, she will likely become more capable of holding still when it is needed.


It may seem that your fidgety child is in another world; however, as “Time” magazine reports, some children actually learn best while moving. For some children, moving from side-to-side, nodding their heads or playing with their hands can help them settle themselves and stay more focused on the task at hand. To determine whether your child actually benefits from his fidgeting, allow him to move while you engage in a conversation with him, then ask questions to determine how much of the conversation he retained. If he captured most of the information in spite of his movement, he may be one who benefits from this physical activity.

Share your Revelations

If, after dedication to the task, you discover ways to help your child settle himself, don’t keep this valuable information to yourself. Instead, share your findings with others who work with your child, such as his teacher and any childcare providers upon which you rely. By sharing this information, you can enable these people to use your proven methods and help your child when he is in their care.

Medical Interventions

For some children, medication is necessary to calm excessive fits of movement. If your child seems to struggle with holding still, and this struggle is preventing him from being successful, consider the potential benefits offered by medication. Express your concerns to your child’s doctor. This medical professional will likely perform some diagnostic tests and determine what could be done to help your kid, depending upon his findings.

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