How to Treat Tree Pollen Allergies
2 mins read

How to Treat Tree Pollen Allergies

If you are allergic to tree pollen, you already know the drill. Each spring, as friends are raving about the beauty of new blossoms and the wonder of life, you are constantly reaching for tissues to blow your nose. You don’t have to hug a tree to be affected by its pollen. Gentle spring breezes are enough to spread the pollen around and put you in misery. Knowing what can be done to treat your allergies will help arm you for the season.

Step 1

See your doctor. Make sure you are truly allergic to tree pollen and not another culprit before you begin treatment. Your physician will typically send you to an allergist who will perform a series of allergy tests and determine exactly which trees are causing you problems.

Step 2

Take medications as prescribed or directed. Several medications are on the market that can be effective in combating tree pollen allergies. Singulair is an example of such medications. You must have a prescription to obtain it.

Step 3

Submit to allergy injections if your physician recommends them. Allergy injections are designed to build your immunity to targeted allergens. If your primary allergy is to tree pollens, the injections will contain small amounts of pollen. You will be given a series of shots, during a pre-determined schedule. The injections will help your body build immunity to the tree pollen.

Step 4

Take antihistamines. Antihistamines are available by prescription and over-the-counter (OTC). They will reduce your sneezing and runny nose. Taking them before being exposed to tree pollen will fight the problem more effectively, according to FamilyDoctor.

Step 5

Use decongestants to unclog your nose. Tree pollen can cause your nose to become stuffy. Taking an OTC decongestant will help reduce the swelling inside your nose and reduce the amount of mucus being produced.

Step 6

Be proactive. Check your surroundings and remove trees you are allergic to. If you have trees in the yard, replacing them with a rock garden will reduce the pollen you are exposed to in your everyday life. Ask a family member to hose off your car before you get into it in the morning. Keep the inside of your home well-dusted. Tree pollen can find its way inside to settle on furniture.

Step 7

Move to a tree-free area. Certain areas of the country, such as Nevada and Arizona, have fewer trees. Researching each state’s tree populations and relocating to one that does not embrace the ones you are allergic to may eliminate your symptoms.

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