From Breakup to Marriage- Will It Last?
The airwaves are saturated with the storybook fantasy of Britain’s Prince William to Kate Middleton. Their fairytale romance is a light of hope in a world where the divorce rate stays steady. One of the questions on nearly every divorced person’s mind when they read about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s engagement is “will it last?”
It’s hard to predict any couple’s marital outcome, but when a couple breaks up and gets back together we can make an assumption that there can be trouble in paradise.
When a couple breaks up it is because the relationship is not working for one or both partners. Whether you call it “taking a break” or “needing space”, a breakup in a relationship is a red flag that there is room for improvement. Red flags in a relationship indicate that professional help is necessary to salvage the relationship and help endure many years ahead. Sadly, many relationships that take a break then reunite without addressing core relationship challenges end up divorced many years later. Divorce Detox has seen many clients ignore red flags in a relationship and, many years later, end up getting divorced. Here is a list of red flags that indicate a relationship
needs professional assistance:
Different core or financial values
Jealousy or trust issues
Ineffective communication
Incompatible lifestyles
Porn, alcohol or drug use