Camps for Kids With Behavior Problems
3 mins read

Camps for Kids With Behavior Problems

Just because your child struggles to stay within the letter of the law doesn’t mean that he can’t participate in a camp environment. Many camps are available to children with behavior problems. At these camps, children who struggle to control their actions can learn to follow the rules better and to join with others who struggle with the same issues.


Attending summer camp is more than just a good time; it is also potentially beneficial to children, reports KidsHealth. A summer camp can increase your child’s confidence and independence, provide the opportunity for interaction and even give you a break from your kid. Many camps that accept children with behavior problems also engage in behavior modification training during the summer, potentially helping your child better follow rules upon his return, a skill that could lead to enhanced at-home and in-school success.

Your Camper’s Rights

While some children just generally seem to struggle with behavior for no apparent reason, others suffer from a diagnosed behavioral disability. If your child has a medically confirmed behavior problems, he is legally entitled to be admitted to the camp of his choice under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA), reports KidsHealth. This means that even if a camp is not specifically designated for children with behavior struggles, you child can still attend. However, it is important to remember when selecting your camp that picking a camp tailored to children with behavior problems could prove more beneficial than simply sending your child to a general summer camp.

Wilderness Camps

Many camps intended for children with behavior problems are wilderness-based. The thought behind these camps is that survival in the wilderness requires cooperation and a willingness to abide by the rules. Many camps aim to give students the opportunity to experience success by placing them in the wilderness and allowing them to seemingly fend for their own survival.

Day Camp vs. Sleep-Away

When picking the perfect camp for your child, selecting between a day camp and a sleep-away camp is one of the first decisions you’ll have to make. If you are hesitant to leave your kid for a long time, or if he suffers from anxiety, a day camp may be the best option. If your child, however, needs a complete break from his daily patterns, a sleep-away camp is likely the best choice. Camps of this type require your child to break away from his routine and immerse him in a whole new setting.

Doing Your Homework

Before deciding on a camp for your child, you should consider a few factors. Ask about the specifics of the behavior programs offered by each camp. By exploring the way in which each camp approaches discipline, you can determine whether the method in question is apt to be effective for your child. Additionally, check the camp’s accreditation, and ask how staff members are trained to determine whether the camp is the right option.

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