1 min read

CYBERBULLYING 101 A Lesson For Parents

CYBERBULLYING… it is becoming increasingly more common among tweens and teens using the Internet today. While today’s parents may worry about the online sexual predator trying to lure children, many parents don’t have a clue about this fast growing and dangerous phenomenon confronting our kids as they I.M., text, email, blog, etc.

What is it?

The basic definition of cyberbullying: Using the computer, Internet, cell phones or other electronic devices for the purpose of harassing, threatening, embarrassing, or otherwise taunting another person. Cyberbullying can be done through emails, text messaging, postings through blogs or chatrooms, social networking sites, or by sending pictures or images online with the intention of physically or emotionally hurting another person.

Why is it dangerous?
For one thing, it preys on children mentally and physically. Imagine being a 13 year old girl whose yearbook picture has been altered in some way, perhaps your face superimposed on a different body, and then texted to everyone in school. Maybe with a threatening or humiliating caption. Maybe even with your home address and phone number. How about a 12 year old boy… who is bombarded daily with texts and emails calling him names, making fun of his weight or other physical features, and being taunted with threats of physical violence: “you’re gonna get your _____ kicked tomorrow.” These are just two real-life examples of cyberbullying that our children are facing today. If you were one of those kids, what might you do? Run away, sink into depression, physically hurt yourself, or retaliate against your tormentors – possibly with a weapon?

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