Back to School=Back to Biz!
As summer winds down and all of my kids’ back to school forms have been filled out, I start to refocus on my biz goals for the school year. As mompreneurs, our biz calendar corresponds with school calendar, so I adjust my goals accordingly and enjoy school vacations times as my time away too. It’s a nice balance.
September usually starts off with a bang business-wise but it’s not long before Holiday season begins and projects are put on hold until “next year.” I like school starting Sept. 1 for us this year because it give me an extra week to really get organized with my business goals and then right after Labor Day when everyone’s back at work, I can be off and running at a good clip.
For SAHM’s (stay at home moms) whose summer ends with the milestone of sending your youngest or only child off to full day kindergarten or first grade, this will be a new beginning! Bittersweet, but if you fill your time with something that you love while your “baby” is at school, you will feel so fulfilled by pick up time! Give yourself time to exercise and enjoy lunches with friends etc., but also give yourself a shot at the dream of having your own business. You have the time to build it slowly now.
A new chapter in your life is beginning and you have an empty canvas to fill in however you’d like. It’s an exciting and fresh time of year and can be an exciting and fresh time for yourself as well, just take action. One step at a time toward your goal!
If you get started today, think about how much you can accomplish by Thanksgiving break?!