2 mins read

My Daughter Has a Really Heavy Period

When it comes to flow, periods are not one-size-fits-all. While some girls experience low flow while on their period, others suffer from heavy periods that present an array of challenges. If your child’s period seems heavier than most, an array of issues could be at the root of this problem. Depending upon the severity of your child’s symptoms, you can try an assortment of solutions to ease your struggling daughter’s discomfort.

2 mins read

What Are Signs of Pregnancy Before Your Missed Period?

Pregnancy affects a woman’s body from the moment she conceives. Hormone fluctuations cause changes in the body, including increased blood production, the preparation of the uterus for the implantation of the embryo and changes in the breasts to prepare for milk production. Although pregnancy can be determined through medical tests, a few signs of pregnancy may occur before a missed menstrual cycle.