3 mins read

Why Your Kids Need To Get You A Gift This Holiday

At this time of year, ads for holiday gift giving barrage our TV’s, computers, newspapers, and our eardrums. Often, these reminders about the need to buy gifts or risk a bleak Christmas feel relentless. For most parents, December quickly becomes all about pleasing our children and chasing whatever they want/need/beg for. There’s one British mom…

2 mins read

Tough Love Parental Resources

Tough love is a parenting, or teaching, style in which the person in charge sets boundaries and enforces those boundaries in order to help children grow into responsible adults. When done correctly, it is not a demeaning method of parenting. Instead of focusing on discipline and punishment, it focuses on positive ways to enforce boundaries while encouraging children to better themselves.

7 mins read

Should You Get Your Kid “Tested”?

I couldnt but help include myself in a conversation I overheard between a friend and her husband discussing their three year old boy who just COULDN’T sit still. Definitely reform school for him further down the line. I mean, lets face it, if hes got ants in his pants now, what are we looking at ten years from now? Better nip it in the bud now before this dark streak is allowed to fester. With my ounce of experience of kindergarten teaching and fifteen years of parenting, including raising a male child of the same sub-species as the aforementioned (homio-cantsitstill-sapien), I tried to assure them that all would be fine. The perpetrator of the crime was only three. Still, they were unconvinced of my suggestion of a little behavioral therapy and were choosing to go ahead with the directors suggestion of GETTING HIM TESTED.