4 mins read

Decorating Your Child’s Room with Confidence

What I have found out about being creative whether it be singing, cooking, painting, gardening , decorating or pretty much any artistic endeavor, it is always done better with confidence. When anything is done with confidence the viewer/audience can really feel the positive energy. Even when something goes wrong, it still can be a ‘tour de force’ if done with zeal.

3 mins read

New Tra-Dish: Sausage and Pepper Stuffed Shells

The following post is sponsored byRagPut a fun new spin on a classic recipe and make a New Tra-Dish! This one comes from Jessica from Savory Experiments, who came up with a great twist on the traditional dinner dishSausage and Peppers.And DROOL! Could her recipe for Sausage and Pepper Stuffed Shells look any more delicious? Doubtful!Check it out below:Rag has been a household name since its initial debut in …

4 mins read

Weaning Your Baby: Debunking Common Myths

So, you feel it is time to wean your baby and you are wondering how to approach it. Ask yourself these questions before you make your final decision. Is it intuitively correct to stop nursing, or are others influencing me? Since breastfeed babies eat more often than formula feed babies, nursing women are falsely told that their babies are hungry – lacking the nutrition of formula.