4 mins read

The Party’s Over, Now the Real Work Begins. Ugh!

With six children, I have found it to be very time-efficient and cost-effective to have more than one birthday party in a day. It makes for a day of chaos, but I have to rent only one jumping thing, one snow-cone machine and one cotton-candy maker, and we get to celebrate a few birthdays in one fun-filled day. My daughters Moira, now 9, and Elspeth, now 7, and my son Finn who turned 5, have birthdays close together, and the other day was birthday party day. We had just said goodbye to the last of what seemed like 1,000 party guests, all of whom ended up inside because of the rain. The big day was a success, and I could finally relax and put my feet up. WRONG!

3 mins read

Autism and Spreading Awareness

You Never Know When Something Will Come Up. What does that mean? It means you never when something you did in the past will come back and add some good to the world, have an impact, be noticed, and be appreciated for trying to spread awareness. What happened? I was contacted in March by a…