3 mins read

The Best Cardio Exercise to Lose Weight

The good news about losing weight through cardio is that the best exercises are the ones that you enjoy. Having some fun while you exercise is important. To lose weight through cardio, you have to devote yourself to an exercise program. Feel free to vary your cardio to keep things fresh. A good weight loss regimen through cardio is to lose 1 lb. each week, according to the Shape Fit website.

3 mins read

Cardio Routines on a Treadmill

Let’s face it: Walking a couple of days a week on the treadmill for 20 minutes while listening to your favorite tunes isn’t exactly an exhilarating exercise routine to help you produce results. No, you don’t have to lace up your running shoes and take to the streets running to get a good calorie-burning workout. With a few modifications to your normal treadmill routine, you can develop a plan to help strengthen and sculpt your body that also leaves you energized. As with any cardio routine, warm up before you begin and cool down afterward to avoid injury.

3 mins read

How to Get Rid of Back Fat for Women

Excessive back fat doesn’t look so pretty. You may have a “spare tire” around your chest and back when you put on a bra. Your back fat may prevent you from wearing that knock-out dress you bought or from even putting on a swimsuit in the summer. When you diet and exercise to lose back fat, you’ll notice that the fat all over your body, including on your stomach, decreases as well. Toning exercises will build the muscle on your back, further minimizing the appearance of fat.