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Simple Steps to Becoming A Mompreneur!
The Sugar Mommas sat down with Carl Smith, Specialty Food/Grocery Buyer, from Southern Californias premier gourmet market, Bristol Farms. Carl has been with Bristol Farms for twenty years. During his tenure he has seen thousands of products and he determines which ones should be sold on the shelves of this leading market. You could say Carl is a leading food trendsetter. Carl has one of the most discerning eyes on the west coast.
60 Back To School Must Haves
Forget about the same old school supplies! We’ve rounded up this year’s must-haves to kick the school year off right - and in style. Organizing & Accessorizing Blush Dream Desk Set by Poppin A perfect choice for the highly organized, this gorgeous blush Desk Set couldn't be easier to get it all together! The Set…
25 Ways to Save Money & Stay Sane This Holiday Season
December is here, but no need to fear! As we countdown the weeks, days, and minutes until the gift giving frenzy begins, here are 25 ways to make your holiday shopping a bit more jolly! 1. Check out online deal finders!Websites like and can help you save big on both online and in-store purchases. They quickly search through thousands of ads so you can find the best deals on the things you want.
Could A New World Be Blossoming?
The more I am blessed to connect with people from around the world through the internet, the more my heart blooms inside with hope for a new world. Could it be that our generation, and even more so future generations, will be more in touch with the global community than the illusion of separateness? Will we find a way through the door to know and understand that as a world we are much more alike …
Interview 4 Inspiration- Dr. Corey Allan- Simple Marriage
Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.