12 mins read

Helpful Tips for Empty Nest Moms

If youre a seasoned mom who woke up one morning and suddenly wondered, OMG, how did I get here?and then cringe, you just might be experiencing what is commonly referred to as Empty Nest Syndrome.

21 mins read

101 Ways to Make a Difficult Divorce Easier on Your Children

The following is a list of things you can do to make your children’s lives easier after a divorce. Read these tips as reminders of what you and your co-parent should be doing to ease the stress of divorce on your children. Remember that the reason why you should do these things is that if you don’t your children will join the ranks of those who become emotionally hurt by the process of divorce.

3 mins read

Are you one HOT Mama? Keeping it Cool During Pregnancy!

When the heat is on during the hottest days of summer, you may feel like you are going to spontaneously combust at any moment. Dont worry, that hardly ever happens 🙂 During pregnancy your body is hard at work. Your metabolism is kicked into high gear, and so you are more likely to feel the effects of summer heat. The reality is that you are more likely to perspire heavily, as your body tries to keep you and your baby cool.

4 mins read

Developing Good Study Habits

One of the most challenging aspects of parenting older children is teaching them how to study. While sitting down at the kitchen table and reviewing the content in the book can be helpful, it's not always enough to give children the information they need to succeed on coming tests. Teaching your child to study, however,…