3 mins read

Are you one HOT Mama? Keeping it Cool During Pregnancy!

When the heat is on during the hottest days of summer, you may feel like you are going to spontaneously combust at any moment. Dont worry, that hardly ever happens 🙂 During pregnancy your body is hard at work. Your metabolism is kicked into high gear, and so you are more likely to feel the effects of summer heat. The reality is that you are more likely to perspire heavily, as your body tries to keep you and your baby cool.

3 mins read

What Your Baby Learns During Pregnancy

You are your childs first teacher. From the moment of conception, your baby is enrolled in the university of life. Every experience you have during pregnancy is designed to teach your baby about the world he will soon encounter. All of the information your baby receives from you in the womb serves as a special lesson plan for adapting to his new world.