4 mins read

What Makes Pregnancy Labor Progress?

You have likely heard many horror stories about the process of labor and birth. People are quick to tell you how long it lasted and how painful it was. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be extremely painful or last forever. There are many things you can and should do to make labor as quick and painless as possible. And, it just might be easier than you think.

4 mins read

This Mom Needs A Job…Why Not CEO of GM?

As I forge ahead in my quest to find work, I have tried to get creative in what I could do. Since my oldest child just turned sixteen and is preparing to get her drivers license, gulp, automobiles have been on my mind. Then it hit me. Maybe I should apply to become the CEO of a major automobile company. At one point, GM hired someone with no auto experience to be their general manager. So why not hire me? Who on earth is more efficient than a mom? Who knows what is really necessary in a car better than a mom? Here are a few of my ideas: 1.

2 mins read

Infant Stimulation Activities

For babies, stimulation activities arouse their senses. Activities that promote seeing, touching, smelling, tasting and hearing will be stimulating for your baby. Engaging in activities that stimulate your baby can foster your baby’s curiosity, help develop his attention span and foster his nervous system development, according to Health First.org. While engaging your infant in stimulating activities is important, over stimulating your baby may cause him to become overwhelmed and irritable. If you notice signs of irritability during play, take a break, and allow your baby time to rest in a quiet and calm environment.

3 mins read

The Risk Factors in Infant Stimulation and Development

Infants thrive on and need stimulation to ensure proper development. By stimulating your infant’s senses, you’re encouraging communication, interaction and learning. You’re also giving him a sense of importance. However, there can be too much of a good thing—an excess of new sights and sounds can overstimulate a baby. Also, not all methods of infant stimulation are beneficial. Walk through any major baby department and you’ll see numerous gadgets and videos claiming to make your baby smart. Are these really necessary?