9 mins read

Earth Day Spotlight: Meet Carson With Charity Arrows

You know those amazing stories that instantly touch your heart and bring you joy? This is one of those. Charity Arrows, strives to empower and uplift children and community organizations through sustainable and innovative means. Their organization is dedicated to turning old, unsalvageable, or discarded arrows and repurposing them into meaningful treasures such as pens…

3 mins read

Natural and Organic Health and Beauty Tips

Whether out of concern for the environment or out of concern for your health, you may be considering switching your regular cosmetics and health products to organic and natural ones. You have to be careful because some products may seem natural or organic, but, in fact, contain preservatives and other chemicals you may want to avoid. When shopping for beauty products, always read the labels carefully. You can also make some products at home or make other adjustments to your lifestyle to look your best naturally.