2 mins read

Backpack, Lunchboxes, and 7 Dozen Pencils

The count down has begun for the first day of school. I have to confess that I am ready for the kids to go back. With the move it has been a strange summer and I think we could all use the routine. This is a big year for us. I will have two in high school, one starting middle school, and three in elementary school…yes, my baby is starting kindergarten!!!! For the first time in fifteen years I will have all of my children in school!Last night I decided to start the back to school shopping. I knew this was going to be such a swe

5 mins read

Back-to-School Business Trip Tips

Most of us survived, more or less, the first week or two of back-to-school chaos.  Our kids hopefully have all the backpacks, textbooks, and sharpened pencils they need. We’re all coping with those nasty alarm clocks that have the gall to buzz while it’s still dark out.

Now onto phase two: mastering our own absence when our kids are in school.

Leaving your kids behind during the school year is a challenge few …

1 min read

Homemade Valentine’s Cards for School

Does your child’s classroom exchange valentines? Jessie Jane shares two great ideas for homemade cards that are much cuter than the storebought ones. They’re easy to make, fun to decorate and oh so adorable! Caterpillar Hearts Supplies Construction paper Pencils Glitter paper (available at any craft store) Scissors Markers Googly eyes (optional) Glue stick Hole punch Directions