6 mins read

Early Childhood Caries (ECC)

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, Baby Bottle Syndrome, Nursing Bottle Mouth, Early Childhood Caries (ECC); these are all terms for tooth decay in a child 6 years old or younger with: 1 or more decayed teeth Missing teeth (resulting from tooth decay) Filled surfaces in any primary (baby) tooth Tooth decay in baby teeth leads to tooth decay in adult teeth. It Can Happen to Your Child

3 mins read

Cures for Bad Breath in Children

Everyone’s breath smells unpleasant from time to time, particularly early in the morning or after eating foods such as onions and garlic. If you notice that your child’s breath smells bad throughout the day, you may need to take a few steps to improve his oral hygiene. In some cases, your child will need treatment for an underlying condition to improve his halitosis, or bad breath.

3 mins read

Causes of Ear Infections in Children

If you have a child, you are going to deal with ear infections from time-to-time. In fact, ear infections are the most common reason children go to the doctor. In recent decades, the rate of children getting ear infections has been on the rise. Doctors aren’t sure why, but it may be because of an increase in allergies. About 90 percent of children will get at least one ear infection by the time they are 4 years old.

2 mins read

What to Do When a Child Is Having a Seizure

Witnessing a child’s seizure is often a terrifying experience. A knowledge of how to handle a seizure situation helps you remain in control to help the child as much as possible. Your main responsibility is to keep the child safe and know when to get medical help since you cannot stop a seizure. The symptoms of a seizure might include convulsions, jerky movements, stiffening of extremities, twitching or loss of consciousness.