7 mins read

Mean Girls In Kindergarten? Dealing with Girl Drama

I have four kids – my boys are 15 and 13, my girls are 9 and 5. While my boys nearly drove me into the ground as toddlers with their endless physical energy and constant running around, the girls are currently winning the race to dig me an early grave with their ongoing girl drama and emotional highs and lows.If I had to choose, Id take the physical exhaustion of boys over the emotional …

2 mins read

DeVos Hurts Special Needs Families

Education Secretary Betsy Devos eliminated 72 policy documents that outline the rights of students with disabilities. The documents fleshed out students’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act. The regulations were not rescinded, only the policy documents put into place to guide how schools could use federal special education money.…

2 mins read

Remember to Stay Active!

  As my kids start to get older and have more activities that they are involved in it has translated into more time in the car, which means less 'activity' time for mama.  My oldest daughter (7) has recently joined team for gymnastics, a 12hr a week commitment and a 40 min commute each direction…