2 mins read

Remember to Stay Active!


As my kids start to get older and have more activities that they are involved in it has translated into more time in the car, which means less ‘activity’ time for mama.  My oldest daughter (7) has recently joined team for gymnastics, a 12hr a week commitment and a 40 min commute each direction for mom 😉 I have still been getting my usual workouts but the extra steps that are required to stay lean and healthy have been a bit more challenging. I know I am not alone with this struggle so I am sharing my tips to finding ‘mom activities’ while your little ones are in theirs.

1. Start a ‘ Parent’s bootcamp’ get a group of parents together and start a walking club while the kids are in class or go to a nearby park and do circuit session, you can either train each other or hire a Personal trainer to coach the group ( if you all pitch in the rate should be reasonable)

2. Think outside the box! Chances are there are probably gyms, schools or yoga studios within walking distance of your childs class. Many gyms offer free trials so you can try out the club, get a few good workouts in before you commit. The same is true for most fitness studios you can do a free trial class, bounce around until you find what you love and don’t worry about spending a bunch of money in the meantime.  If there is a school nearby chances are there is a track or stadium with stairs for you to climb!

3. Go to a nearby mall and power walk indoors. Get your heartrate up for free and enjoy the scenery. You can even play dodge the shoppers 😉

Whatever you choose be mindful of finding an activity for yourself! your little one will be jazzed up after class, so why not join them in the post workout high!

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