1 min read

Let’s Craft: Cute Storage Baskets

Summer is drawing to a close, school is starting back up and it’s the perfect time to get your house organized for fall! Moms know that keeping a playroom neat and tidy can be a big challenge, but Michaels has shared a creative craft project get your shelves in spotless shape. Find out how to make these adorable organizational baskets below: Supplies

2 mins read

Redecorating Your Child’s Room on a Budget

The following is a guest post fromJennifer Buda Steuer Nothing makes me happier than the feeling of new energy in a space. I wanted to change my daughter, Chloes bedroom to mark her rite of passage from preschool to Kindergarten. My mission, (without breaking the bank) was to give her room a fresh look by building on the base design of her room. These are some simple tips to redo your childs room: 1. Invest in a Rug

3 mins read

Craft Projects for Home Decorating

Craft projects can be fun for the entire family, but you can also find enjoyment and satisfaction from working on crafts by yourself. When looking to spruce up the appearance of a home, you can use craft projects to add homemade decorations. Not only can craft projects add to the overall appearance of your home, they can provide you with numerous gratifying experiences.