11 mins read

The Five Things I Learned In My Rookie Year Being A Working Mom

This Fall, I celebrated my first anniversary of returning to work after becoming a first-time mother. Ironically, in the same month, I started a new job. In retrospect, it's not a coincidence. They say the first year is the hardest for significant life changes. It's a period of unknowns, new obstacles, and inevitable mistakes made…

4 mins read

How to Calculate the Economic Value of College Degrees

Put simply, calculating the economic value of any particular college degree is difficult. The factors that can affect such a calculation are almost innumerable. However, there are a few considerations that should take precedence in making this determination. Without any further adieu, here they are: The Institution The institution from which the degree is earned…

3 mins read

Should I Earn a College Degree

So you’re thinking of adding a new or different college degree. Bottom line: Only you can decide. Like it or not, costs will play a big factor in your decision. Ultimately, dreaming and finding happiness are paramount The “intangibles” of advancing educationally are huge. The farther you go, the more prestige and status you enjoy,…

6 mins read

Childhood Lessons in Finance

BIG Disclaimer: I am not by any means a financial professional! Besides a few random accounting classes I took while pursing my economics degree, which I remember about 0%, OK maaaaybe 1% credit and debit, I don have ANY background in finance. What I am about to share is based solely on my own personal experience of what has worked and has not worked for me in terms of managing our familys finances.

2 mins read

The Best Daycare Software

Tech-savvy day-care owners are ditching the paper, pens and binders and embracing day-care software to help them manage their businesses. As a day-care owner, you undoubtedly understand the importance of coming up with organized processes for keeping track of students, finances and other essential data that helps you run the day-to-day and long-term activities of your day-care center. Day-care software ensures that information is readily available for owners.