Search Results for: adult cam
Weight Loss Camps for Adults
Weight loss can be challenging, especially when you try and balance work and family with diet and exercise. Going away to a weight loss camp can jump-start your healthy lifestyle without distractions. Because weight loss camps offer a variety of options, choosing the right program is essential to success.
Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism
Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism What comes after high school for many young adults? College! Is my child going to college? Yes. Our child decided, with our input, to attend our local community college for the two-year degree, and then go to a four-year school. Why did he make this decision? First,…
Autism and the Scam
We were on vacation and there was a tiny incident. Not even an incident. Yet it could have been. What was it? My husband, son, and I were walking to the St. Louis Cardinals Busch Stadium in St. Louis. We had parked our rental about five blocks away from the stadium, checked out the famous…
A Campaign Promise We As Parents Can All Keep
The post-election news, social media, and our own minds are filled with shock, joy, outrage, anxiety and despair following the November 8th voting tally. Call volume to crisis hotlines Tuesday night was more than twice as high as past elections. But I’ve never known an election that had such a dramatic affect on kids. Everywhere…
Young Adults with Autism Talk to Teenagers with Autism
My son and I recently attended a group’s resource meeting. This localized group (it’s located in the “Foothills area of northern Los Angeles County) holds meetings once a month. These meetings have paid speakers who come to discuss a wide range of topics—from eating issues to genetics to floor time therapies. Being a member of…