3 mins read

Kids & Pets Safety

Pets and children are a natural pair, but there are also safety concerns for both the child and the animal. A bite or attack by a pet is a potentially serious event for a child. A pet might also become injured if a child doesn’t know how to handle it properly. Taking precautions early in the pet-child relationship helps avoid injuries for everyone involved.

2 mins read

Curly Dry Hair Tips

Sufferers of curly dry hair often fall into the trap of treating curly hair like straight hair. They shampoo it excessively, condition it too lightly and chop sections off rather than carefully trimming each curly strand. Take a tip from the many curly girls who have learned to love their hair and embrace the shape and style of curls. If you adopt new methods of cutting, cleaning, conditioning and styling your dry, curly hair, you will see shinier, bouncier curls rather than damaged frizzy hair.

3 mins read

Hair Care for Curly Hair

There was time when hair care for curly hair meant figuring out how to straighten and hide curls. Those days are over. With everyone from to Macy Gray to Minnie Driver rocking their natural assets, there are ample looks from which to choose. Leave those relaxers and straightening rods behind, and try some of the new approaches to caring for curly hair.