Search Results for: always'
Should Kids Always Be Careful?
“Be careful!” Nod your head if you’ve said this to your child today. Yeah, me too. This well meaning phrase is used ad nauseum in the modern world. There are a lot of dangers out there, yes. We love our kiddos with every ounce of our being, of course. The mama bear instinct is real.…
Breastfeeding Isn’t Always Best
After my first son was born and put on my bare chest in the hospital, he wiggled down and found my breast just like in the videos on You Tube - just like the lactation consultants told me it happens. It was beautiful and perfect. That’s pretty much where he stayed until we went home…
In Life, Like Dinner, You Don’t Always Get What You Order
I have these moments when something happens and it hits me that this is something that I want to write about. The children joke with me and say that when I have those lightbulb moments, they know that they are in for a life lesson speech.
10 Things My Mama Always Said (That Weren’t Quite the Truth)
This article is in partnership with Band-Aid. Mama always knows best. I was raised to believe that my mom knew it all, had eyes in the back of her head, and could read minds. And, of course these are the same things I am teaching my brood of children. But, I have to admit, some…
Women, Money, and Why Asking for More Is Always a Good Idea
Boy oh boy. Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella, a tech veteran but new to the big Microsoft job since February, really goofed last week at an Arizona tech conference for women. Maria Klawe, a software engineer, former Princeton department head, and member of Microsoft’s board of directors, asked him about the problem of women getting paid…