9 mins read

Earth Day Spotlight: Meet Carson With Charity Arrows

You know those amazing stories that instantly touch your heart and bring you joy? This is one of those. Charity Arrows, strives to empower and uplift children and community organizations through sustainable and innovative means. Their organization is dedicated to turning old, unsalvageable, or discarded arrows and repurposing them into meaningful treasures such as pens…

6 mins read

How To Survive (And Defuse) Your Toddler’s Worst Tantrums

Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories. John WilmontThe toddler tornado has hit my home. There are two whirlwinds now. One two and one four. They compete over toys, food, affection and when it suits them, combine their energies into one giant parent-trap storm.When my two-year old was younger, my husband and I praised our daughters strong nature and joked …

4 mins read

What’s Scarier Than The Sex Talk? Talking About Food & Weight!

Would you rather talk to your teen daughter about her sex life or her weight? If you chose the former, you’re not alone: anew study released this month by WebMD showed that nearly 22% of parents are uncomfortable discussing the dangers of being overweight with their kids, compared to only 12% of parents who feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their teenager.

1 min read

Why Are More Women Having Twins?

Feel like you’re seeing double lately? It might not be your eyesight – there are more set of twins being born in America than previous decades! One in every 30 babies born in the U.S. is a twin,according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is an astounding increase from years past – in 1980, only 1 in every 53 babies was a twin. So what’s going on? Well, the trend is partly attributed to the use of fertility drugs and assisted reproductive technology.