Search Results for: barrier
Breaking Barriers: On the Set of “American Family”
“Latinos are here to stay. As citizen Raquel, I’m proud to be Latina.” – Raquel Welch
Employers: We’re Not Asking Anymore. We Demand You Support Us.
If you want the best version of employees, then it’s time to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Have a workplace culture that encourages both parents to provide care. Moms in the office already had it tough- 82% of working moms cite barriers keeping them from leadership roles. 78% say they have to…
Legislators: Our Tools For Change
Back in the first few weeks of June, as the #BlackLivesMatter movement ebbed and flowed through social media and spilled out onto the streets in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, my head began to spin with a combination of shame and confusion. I’m a white woman with immense privilege and all the…
Probiotics and Prebiotics for Kids: What’s the Difference?
Healthy germs are all the buzz these days. What are they? And how do we incorporate them into a kid’s diet? First, let’s start with the cringeworthy fact that we host trillions of microbes in and on our bodies. Most of these reside in our gut and are actually quite beneficial for maintaining a healthy body.…
Honor Mom on Sunday… and on Mother’s Monday Get Her What She Really Needs: Childcare and Workplace Improvements
The Inaugural Mother’s Monday officially kicks off May 11! Celebrated on the day after the traditional Mother’s Day, Mother’s Monday looks to redefine the relationship between motherhood and work. One of the major storylines emerging from the global pandemic is just how significant the impact has been on women, especially working moms. The group behind…