Search Results for: blog site
Kimberly Kaplan and 300 Autism-Related Blogs
Kimberly Kaplan and 300 Autism-Related Blogs I guess you can call this a toot-your-own-horn posting because this is my 300th blog! I have not only written 300 blogs for my own website but those same 300 blogs have also appeared on How did I start on Well…through a recreational softball team, of course.…
How To Build A Website For Independent Sales Reps
Women earning extra (or sole) income as independent sales representatives isn’t a new trend of the 21st century. There have been “Avon Ladies” for decades, and your own mom probably attended or hosted her fair share of Tupperware parties. Of course, the main difference these days is technology. Leveraging social media to host virtual sales…
Ironic Autism Opposites
A post I read on the Internet made me think about the ironic opposites that sometimes exists in the autism world. What was the post? The post I saw was about autism and it related an opposite that (really) only people with autism knowledge would understand. It compared a trait of some kids with autism—many…
7 Surprisingly Dangerous Social Media Sites For Teens
It is comforting to believe we have taught our children to avoid common pitfalls in life that might expose them to danger, like texting while driving or getting into a stranger’s van. Parents often enforce curfews and stress the importance of abstaining from risky behaviors to keep children safe, but we often overlook some common…
Guest Blog: Just Simply…Dad
I dont necessarily think of myself as a modern dad, a todays dad, or even a hip dad. What do I think I am? Just simplydad. Its not a unique title, or even an original one, but recently theres been a bit of a ground swell going on, not unlike my 9-month-olds diaper at times. Im seeing fathers excited to wear it as a badge of honor, celebrated …